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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
jīn /jìn /jìn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
Short definition to prohibit
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看见(kàn jiàn) to see
这副( zhè fù)
景象(jǐng xiàng) scene
我不( bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
(tàn) sigh
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
口气(kǒu qì) the way one speaks

Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but sigh.

(zhè) these
(shǒu) head
(gē) song
(tài) too
感人(gǎn rén) moving
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
使(shǐ) envoy
我不( bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
(liú) to flow
眼泪(yǎn lèi) crying

This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes.

(dàng) when
(dí) surname Di
(mǎ) surname Ma
透过(tòu guò) via
店外( diàn wài)
(dedì) of
窗子(chuāng zǐ chuāng zi) window
看见(kàn jiàn) to see
里面(lǐ miàn) inside
一件(yī jiàn) piece
华丽(huá lì) gorgeous
绝伦(jué lún) peerless
(dedì) of
黑色(hēi sè) black
西装(xī zhuāng) Western-style clothes
(shí) when
他不( tā bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
睁大( zhēng dà)
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
眼睛(yǎn jīng) eyes
接著(jiē zhe) then
当他( dāng tā)
发现(fā xiàn) to discover
价钱(jiàqián) price
(pái) medal
(shàng) upper
「 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 B Y R 」
的时候( de shí hòu) when
他的( tā de)
眼睛(yǎn jīng) eyes
(jiù) only
(zhēng) to open (one's eyes)
(dé děiděi) must
更大(gèng dà) greater
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 3,000,000.99 BYR price tag.

(wǒ) I
(měi) each
(cì) sub-
看到(kàn dào) to see
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
想起(xiǎng qǐ) to recall
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
母亲(mǔ qīn) also pr. mu3 qin5
(lái) next

Every time I see you, I cannot help but be reminded of your mother.

我不( bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
为他( wéi tā)
感到(gǎn dào) to move
难过(nán guò) to feel sad

I can't help feeling sorry for him.

我不( bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
(xiǎng) to wish
我的( de) my
儿子(ér zi) son
一直都( yī zhí dū)
(zài) (located) at
(shēng) life

I cannot help thinking that my son is still alive.

(tā) another
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
(zhǐ) only
(sī) this
(kù) database
(lā) to pull
(yì) easy
迪尔( dí ěr) Dille
见面(jiàn miàn) to see sb

He forbade Skura from ever seeing Yidir.

我不( bù)
(jīn jìn jìn) to prohibit
欣赏(xīn shǎng) to appreciate
他的( tā de)
才华(cái huá) literary or artistic talent

I can't help admiring his talent.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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