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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
de shí hòu
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
dik1 si4 hau6
Short definition when
Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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(wǒ) I
帮忙(bāng máng) to lend a hand
的时候( de shí hòu) when
可以(kě yǐ) can
(lái) next
找我( zhǎo)

When it's necessary, you can come to me.

有人(yǒu rén) anyone
听到了(tīng dào le) to hear
(tā) another
洗澡(xǐ zǎo) to bathe
的时候( de shí hòu) when
唱歌(chàng gē) to sing a song

He was heard singing in the shower.

我的( de) my
手机(shǒu jī) cell phone
的时候( de shí hòu) when
(huìkuài) will
感到(gǎn dào) to move
(hěn) quite
孤独(gū dú) lonely

When I don't have my cell phone, I feel lonely.

(dàng) when
(zhǐ) finger
发明(fā míng) invention
的时候( de shí hòu) when
不要(bù yào) must not
(yòng) hence
发现(fā xiàn) to discover
这个字(zhè ge zì) this character

Don't use "discover" when you mean "invent".

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
来到(lái dào) to come to
大阪(dà bǎn) saka, city in Japan
的时候( de shí hòu) when
(qǐng) to ask
跟我( gēn)
联络(lián luò) communication

When you arrive in Osaka, please contact me.

(wǒ) I
给他( gěi tā)
打电话(dǎ diàn huà) to dial a telephone
的时候( de shí hòu) when
(tā) another

He was busy when I called him up.

发生(fā shēng) to occur
旱灾(hàn zāi) (n) drought
的时候( de shí hòu) when
农民(nóng mín) farmer
维持(wéi chí) to keep
生计(shēng jì) livelihood

During droughts, farmers are barely able to eke out a living.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不在(bù zài) to be deceased
的时候( de shí hòu) when
照看(zhào kàn) to attend to
(gǒu) dog

Who is looking after the dog while you are away?

看电视(kàn diàn shì) to watch TV
的时候( de shí hòu) when
(qǐng) to ask
确保(què bǎo) to ensure
屋子(wū zi) room
(gòu) enough
(liàng) clear
观看(guān kàn) to watch
(shí) when
保持(bǎo chí) to maintain
距离(jù lí) distance

When watching TV, please ensure that the room is brightly lit and watch from a distance.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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