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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
fù zé
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
fu6 jaak3
Short definition conscientious
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions to be in charge ofMDBG iconto be responsible for (sth)Adso icon / to be to blameMDBG icon / conscientiousMDBG icon / to take responsibility forMDBG icon/
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: to be responsible for
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Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: to be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: in charge of; to be responsible for (sth); imputation
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(duì) for
结果(jié guǒ) outcome
负责(fù zé) conscientious

You are responsible for the result.

(tā) another
将要(jiāng yào) shall
负责(fù zé) conscientious
一个(yī gè) a
关系(guān xì) guanxi
公司(gōng sī) firm
前途(qián tú) journey
(dedì) of
项目(xiàng mù) item

He is going to take charge of a project concerning the future of the company.

一个人(yī gè rén) alone
(yào) may
(wèi) for
他的( tā de)
行为(xíng wéi) behavior
负责(fù zé) conscientious

A man is responsible for his deeds.

父母(fù mǔ) parents
要对( yào duì)
他们(tā men) they
子女的( zǐ nv de) filial
安全(ān quán) secure
负责(fù zé) conscientious

Parents are responsible for the safety of their children.

2 1
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
(zài) (located) at
寒冬(hán dōng) wintry
(suǒ) place
开始的( kāi shǐ de) inaugural
一切(yī qiè yí qiè) all
不应(bù yīng) should not
(dàng) when
在今天(zài jīn tiān) today
这个(zhè gè) this one
(qiū) autumn
(yè) night
结束(jié shù) to finish
今天(jīn tiān) today
(dedì) of
选举(xuǎn jǔ) election
胜利(shèng lì) victory
并不是( bìng bù shì) really not to be
我们( men) us
(suǒ) place
寻求(xún qiú) to seek
(dedì) of
改变(gǎi biàn) to change
(zhè) these
只是(zhǐ shì) merely to be
我们( men) us
进行(jìn xíng) to do
改变的( gǎi biàn de) alterant
机会(jī huì) chance
如果(rú guǒ) if
我们( men) us
仍然(réng rán) still
按照(àn zhào) as informed by
过去的( guò qù de) bygone
方式(fāng shì) mode
行事(xíng shì) action
我们( men) us
(suǒ) place
寻求(xún qiú) to seek
(dedì) of
改变(gǎi biàn) to change
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
不会(bù huì) not able
发生(fā shēng) to occur
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
你们(nǐ men) you
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
服务(fú wù) service
(hé) with
牺牲的( xī shēng de) sacrificial
(xīn) Singapore
精神(jīng shén) drive
就不( jiù bù)
What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice. So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.

就算(jiù suàn) even if
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
不喜欢(bù xǐ huān) not to like
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
负责(fù zé) conscientious
管理(guǎn lǐ) management

Even if you do not like it, you must take charge of it.

(wǒ) I
(xū) must
(yào) may
(wèi) for
错误(cuò wù) false
负责(fù zé) conscientious

I am responsible for the mistake.

(wèi) for
自己做(zì jǐ zuò) to make
事情(shì qing) thing
负责(fù zé) conscientious

You should be responsible for your actions.

司机(sī jī) driver
不需要(bù xū yào bù xūyào) not to need
(wèi) for
这次(zhè cì) now
(dedì) of
交通意外(jiāo tōng yì wài) car crash
负责(fù zé) conscientious

The driver does not have responsibility for the traffic accident.

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