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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
jiāng yào
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
jeung1 yiu3
Short definition shall
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All available English definitions willCdict iconMDBG iconAdso icon / shallCdict iconMDBG icon / to be going toMDBG icon/
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(tā) she
将要(jiāng yào) shall
(qù) to get rid of
鲍勃( bào bó) Bob
(jiā) home

She is going to Bob's.

将要(jiāng yào) shall
考虑(kǎo lv) to consider
(dedì) of
另一个(lìng yī ge) another
重要(zhòng yào) important
因素(yīn sù) factor
(shì) is
目前的( mù qián de) passing
情况(qíng kuàng) situation
(duì) for
(lì) sharp

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that the present situation is favourable to us.

绝对(jué duì) unconditional
将要(jiāng yào) shall
下雨(xià yǔ) rainy

It'll rain for sure.

(tā) another
将要(jiāng yào) shall
睡觉(shuì jiào) to go to bed

He'll be asleep.

(mèng) dream
虽然(suī rán) even if
不会(bù huì) not able
告诉(gàosù) to tell
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
现实中(xiàn shí zhōng) in reality
将要(jiāng yào) shall
发生(fā shēng) to occur
什么(shén me shén me yě méi yǒu) who?
告诉(gàosù) to tell
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
内心的( nèi xīn de) endocentric
真实(zhēn shí) true
想法(xiǎng fǎ) notion

While dreams cannot tell you what will happen to you in reality, they are able to convey your innermost thoughts.

这场( zhè chǎng)
谈话(tán huà) talk
将要(jiāng yào) shall
持续(chí xù) to persist
三天(sān tiān) three days

The talks will last three days.

(tā) another
将要(jiāng yào) shall
负责(fù zé) conscientious
一个(yī gè) a
关系(guān xì) guanxi
公司(gōng sī) firm
前途(qián tú) journey
(dedì) of
项目(xiàng mù) item

He is going to take charge of a project concerning the future of the company.

其次(qí cì) secondly
按照(àn zhào) as informed by
日程(rì chéng) itinerary
将要(jiāng yào) shall
发布(fā bù) to issue
(dedì) of
项目(xiàng mù) item
(ma) (question tag)

Secondly, is there any project scheduled to be released today?

(zài) (located) at
(rén) man
(jì) time
交往(jiāo wǎng) association
(zhōngzhòng) among
第一(dì yī) first
印象(yìn xiàng) impression
决定(jué dìng) decision
([missing]) to use
将要(jiāng yào) shall
发生的事情( fā shēng de shì qíng) goings-on
内容(nèi róng) details
(dedì) of
百分之五十(bǎi fēn zhī wǔ shí) fifty percent
以上(yǐ shàng) over

When people meet, first impressions determine more than 50 percent of whatever happens next.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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