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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "头" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

草字头儿cao3 zi4 tou2 er5 grass radical 艹
荐头店jian4 tou5 dian4 employment shop
蒙头转向meng1 tou2 zhuan3 xiang4 utterly confused
蓝刺头硷 lan2 ci4 tou2 jian3 echinopsine
蓬头垢面peng2 tou2 gou4 mian4 bad appearance
蓬头跣足peng2 tou2 xian3 zu2 unkempt
街头篮球 jie1 tou2 lan2 qiu2 street basketball
誓不低头 shi4 bu4 di1 tou2 to vow not to bow
车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直che1 dao4 shan1 qian2 bi4 you3 lu4 chuan2 dao4 qiao2 tou2 zi4 ran2 zhi2 It will be all right on the night.
过头话guo4 tou2 hua4 exaggeration
迎头儿ying2 tou2 er5 directly
迎头打击ying2 tou2 da3 ji1 to hit head on
避避风头bi4 bi4 feng1 tou2 to lie low until the fuss dies down
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