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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "头" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

枝头zhi1 tou2 branch
梳头shu1 tou2 to comb one's hair
姘头pin1 tou2 concubine
蓬头peng2 tou2 unkempt hair
手指头shou3 zhi3 tou5 fingertip
白头翁bai2 tou2 weng1 starling
分度头fen1 du4 tou2
呆头ai2 tou2 leatherhead
头条新闻tou2 tiao2 xin1 wen2 headline
抱头bao4 tou2
榫头sun3 tou2 rabbet
猪头zhu1 tou2 pig head
披头pi1 tou2
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