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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "头" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

钵头bo1 tou2 earthen bowl (Shanghainese)
银样镴枪头yin2 yang4 la4 qiang1 tou2 fig. worthless despite an attractive exterior
阑头lan2 tou2 lintel
陇头 long3 tou2 in the fields
青字头qing1 zi4 tou2 top of 青 character component in Chinese characters
鸟头 diao3 tou2
三天两头san1 tian1 liang3 tou2 frequently
口头禅kou3 tou2 chan2 clich
头大tou2 da4 to have a big head
挂羊头卖狗肉gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4 to show lamb and sell dog meat
满头大汗man3 tou2 da4 han4 perspiring freely
狮子头shi1 zi5 tou2 pork meatballs
缩头缩脑suo1 tou2 suo1 nao3 to be timid
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