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庞龙pang2 long2 Pang Long
废藩置县fei4 fan1 zhi4 xian4 [to] [abolish] [the] [feudal] [Han] [and] [introduce] [modern] [prefectures] [(refers] to reorganization during Meiji Japan)
开天避地kai1 tian1 bi4 di4 to open the sky and divide the earth
开裆裤kai1 dang1 ku4 open pants (for infants before toilet training)
征人zheng1 ren2 new recruit
德仁de2 ren2 Naruhito (1960-), crown prince of Japan
心猿意马xin1 yuan2 yi4 ma3 hyperactive
怵惧chu4 ju4 fear
惊怯jing1 qie4 cowardly and panicking
惊慌地 jing1 huang1 di5 panickingly
惊遽jing1 ju4 stunned
慈照寺ci2 zhao4 si4 Jishji in northeast Kyto 京都, Japan, the official name of Ginkakuji or Silver pavilion 銀閣寺银阁寺[yin2 ge2 si4]
扩胸器kuo4 xiong1 qi4 chest expander (gymnastic apparatus)
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