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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%death" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

害死hai4 si3 to kill
死因si3 yin1 cause of death
枪决qiang1 jue2 same as 槍斃枪毙
半死ban4 si3 (tired) to death
撞死zhuang4 si3 to run over sb
早死zao3 si3 early demise
瞑目ming2 mu4 close one's eyes in death and die contentedly
吊死diao4 si3 to hang oneself
噩耗e4 hao4 grievous news
砸死za2 si3 to crush to death
烧死shao1 si3 to burn to death
咬死 yao3 si3 to bite to death
结草jie2 cao3 deep gratitude up to death

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