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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%death" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

死地si3 di4 deathtrap
zeng4 to repel
枪杀qiang1 sha1 to shoot dead
怕死pa4 si3 to fear death
孙武sun1 wu3 Sun Wu, famous general, strategist and Legalist philosopher, contemporary with Confucius 孔子 (551-479 BC), author of the Art of War 孫子兵法孙武兵法
殊死shu1 si3 vigorously
杀气sha1 qi4 aura of death
死命si3 ming4 doom
逼死bi1 si3 hound somebody to death
猝死cu4 si3 sudden death (in medicine, sporting competitions etc)
炸死zha4 si3 zha2 si3 to explode to death
死路si3 lu4 at death's door
sang4 to lose

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