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社会知名人士 she4 hui4 zhi1 ming2 ren2 shi4 well-known social figure
窥一斑而知全豹kui1 yi1 ban1 er2 zhi1 quan2 bao4 to know a zebra from its stripes
老少皆知lao3 shao4 jie1 zhi1 both old and young know
能触知的 neng2 chu4 zhi1 de5 tactile
自称无所不知的 zi4 cheng1 wu2 suo3 bu4 zhi1 de5 know-it-all
良知良能liang2 zhi1 liang2 neng2 innate moral sense
若要人不知,除非己莫为ruo4 yao4 ren2 bu4 zhi1 chu2 fei1 ji3 mo4 wei2 If you don't want anyone to know, don't do it (idiom). fig. If you do something bad, people will inevitably hear about it.
蟪蛄不知春秋hui4 gu1 bu4 zhi1 chun1 qiu1 lit. short-lived cicada does not know the seasons
视为知己shi4 wei2 zhi1 ji3 to take into one's confidence
路人皆知lu4 ren2 jie1 zhi1 well known
预备知识yu4 bei4 zhi1 shi5 prerequisite
预知的 yu4 zhi1 de5 prescient
饱人不知饿人饥bao3 ren2 bu4 zhi1 e4 ren2 ji1 The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom).
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