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无所不知的 wu2 suo3 bu4 zhi1 de5 omniscient
早知道zao3 zhi1 dao5 If I had known earlier...
易知的 yi4 zhi1 de5 knowable
有所不知you3 suo3 bu4 zhi1 ignorant of something
有知识的 you3 zhi1 shi2 de5 scient
未卜先知wei4 bu3 xian1 zhi1 predictable
格物致知ge2 wu4 zhi4 zhi1 pursuing knowledge to the end
毛泽东・鲜为人知的故事mao2 ze2 dong1 xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 gu4 shi5 Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎张戎 and Jon Halliday
海内存知己,天涯若比邻hai3 nei4 cun2 zhi1 ji3 tian1 ya2 ruo4 bi3 lin2 close in spirit although far away
温故而知新wen1 gu4 er2 zhi1 xin1 to recall the past to understand the future
燕雀安知鸿鹄之志yan4 que4 an1 zhi1 hong2 hu2 zhi1 zhi4 fig. how can we small fry predict the ambitions of the great?
爱知县ai4 zhi1 xian4 Aichi prefecture, central Japan
理性知识li3 xing4 zhi1 shi5 rational knowledge
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