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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%pre" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

荷枪实弹he4 qiang1 shi2 dan4 to prepare for an emergency
莅任li4 ren4 to attend
莫可名状mo4 ke3 ming2 zhuang4 indescribable (joy)
萧万长xiao1 wan4 chang2 Vincent C. Siew (1939-), Taiwanese diplomat and Kuomintang politician, prime minister 1997-2000, vice-president from 2008
虚缺号xu1 que1 hao4 Chinese blank character (punct. used to represent an unreadable character)
虞喜yu2 xi3 Chinese astronomer (281-356) famous for determining the precession of the equinoxes
衅端xin4 duan1 pretext for a dispute
行政区划xing2 zheng4 qu1 hua4 administrative subdivision (e.g. of province 省 into prefectures 地區地区 and prefecture into counties 縣县)
表示抗议 biao3 shi4 kang4 yi4 to express protest
装屄zhuang1 bi1 pretentious bastard (vulgar)
计都ji4 du1 imaginary star presaging disaster
词不达意ci2 bu4 da2 yi4 senseless
说了算shuo1 le5 suan4 to have the final say
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