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胚层pei1 ceng2 germ layer
长白山chang2 bai2 shan1 Changbai or Baekdu mountain, a volcanic mountain in Jilin province
鼹鼠yan3 shu3 mole (zoology)
龙王long2 wang2 Dragon King (mythology)
三不san1 bu4 the three Nos
原木yuan2 mu4 logs
(arch. final particle, analogous to 了)
蛇纹石she2 wen2 shi2 serpentine (geology)
诗集shi1 ji2 poetry anthology
天象tian1 xiang4 astrological image
年代学nian2 dai4 xue2 chronology (the science of determining the dates of past events)
lv4 chlorine (chemistry)
纪要ji4 yao4 minutes
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