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Querying dictionary for English phrase "Log" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

总目zong3 mu4 table of contents
措辞cuo4 ci2 diction
对白dui4 bai2 dialogue
混沌hun2 dun4 hun4 dun4 muddled
巴斯德ba1 si1 de2 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French chemist and microbiologist
比拟bi3 ni3 analogy
考古学kao3 gu3 xue2 archaeology
鞭打bian1 da3 to whip
新技术xin1 ji4 shu4 new technology
尾声wei3 sheng1 coda
新语xin1 yu3 neologian
气象台qi4 xiang4 tai2 weather station
滥伐lan4 fa2 to denude
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