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(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
(dedì) of
仆人(pú rén) servant
雇了(gù le) to hire
十二生肖( shí èr shēng xiào) 12 zodiac signs
(shā) to kill
(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
他们(tā men) they
伏击(fú jī) ambush
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
(hé) with
(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
(dedì) of
妻子(qī zi) wife
(yuè) moon
(nú) slave

Jiang Feng's servant hired the "Twelve Zodiacs" to kill him. They ambushed him and his wife Yuenu.

(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
逃跑(táo pǎo) to flee from sth
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
后来(hòu lái) later
(yuè) moon
(nú) slave
生了(shēng le) to be born
两个(liǎng ge)
儿子(ér zi) son
但是(dàn shì) but
他们(tā men) they
中了( zhōng le)
十二生肖( shí èr shēng xiào) 12 zodiac signs
(dedì) of
埋伏(mái fú) to lie low
两个(liǎng ge)
(yí) Yi
(huā) florid
(gōng) temple
(dedì) of
公主(gōng zhǔ) Princess
突然(tū rán) sudden
她们(tā men) they
(bī bì) drive
(yuè) moon
(nú) slave
自杀(zì shā) to commit suicide
不久后(bù jiǔ hòu) not long after
(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
(yě) too
自杀了(zì shā le) to commit suicide

Jiang Feng escaped and afterwards Yuenu gave birth to two boys, but the 12 zodiacs had been lying in wait and ambushed them. Suddenly two princesses from Yihua Palace appeared. They made Yuenu kill herself, and shortly after, Jiang Feng committed suicide.

与此同时(yǔ cǐ tóng shí) at the same time as this
(jiāng) river
(qín) guqin or zither, cf 古琴
分散(fēn sàn) to scatter
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
(jiāng) river
(fēng) maple
(dedì) of
哥哥( gē gē) older brother
(yàn) surname Yan
大侠(dà xiá) knight
(dedì) of
注意力(zhù yì lì) attention

Meanwhile, Jiang Qin distracted Jiang Feng's older brother Yan Daxia.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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