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/(??? wo4 )
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我和( hé)
妻子(qī zi) wife
第一次(dì yī cì) number one
(jiàn jiàn) to see
面的(miàn dí) minivan taxi
咖啡馆(kā fēi guǎn) cafe

This is the coffee shop I first met my wife in.

我和( hé)
朋友们(péng yǒu men) friends
交谈(jiāo tán) chat

I talked to friends.

我和( hé)
看法(kàn fǎ) opinion
毫不(háo bù háo bú) hardly
相同(xiāng tóng) same
以来(yǐ lái) since
人们(rén men) people
(jiù) only
指摘(zhǐ zhāi) to criticize
(wǒ) I
这一点(zhè yī diǎn) this point

My way of looking at things is not at all similar to other people; for a long time, people have criticized my point of view.

我和( hé)
男友(nán yǒu) boyfriend
第一次(dì yī cì) number one
约会(yuē huì) date
(jiù) only
发生了(fā shēng le) to have happened
性关系(xìng guān xi) intercourse

My boyfriend and I had sex on the first date.

我和( hé)
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
共同点(gòng tóng diǎn) common ground

Tom and I have nothing in common.

我和( hé)
成了(chéng le) to be done
好朋友(hǎo péng you) good friend

Mary and I became good friends.

我和( hé)
吉姆(jí mǔ) Jim
一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically
(kuài) fast

I run as fast as Jim.

有人说(yǒu rén shuō) people say
我和( hé)
妹妹(mèimèi) young woman
看起来(kàn qǐ lái) seemingly
年纪(nián jì) age
差不多(chàbuduō) not bad

People say I look about the same age as my sister.

我和( hé)
一个(yī gè) a
外国的( wài guó de) peregrin
学生(xuéshēng) student
好朋友(hǎo péng you) good friend

I made friends with a student from abroad.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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