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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
yì yì
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
yi3 yi6
Short definition sense
Usage frequency Very common
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(zài) (located) at
(duō) many
年的( nián de)
思索(sī suǒ) thought
之下(zhī xià) beneath
(wǒ) I
终于(zhōng yú) at last
了解(liǎo jiě) to realize
(rén) man
生的(shēngde) to look
意义(yì yì) sense
就是(jiù shì) if
(qù) to get rid of
寻找(xún zhǎo) to seek
(rén) man
生的(shēngde) to look
意义(yì yì) sense
我们( men) us
每个人(měi ge rén) everybody
都是(dōushì) all
独特的( dú tè de) blue-chip
个体(gè tǐ) individual
我们( men) us
每个人(měi ge rén) everybody
找到(zhǎo dào) to find
属于(shǔ yú) to belong to
自己的(zì jǐ de) one's own
人生(rén shēng) life (one's time on earth)
目标(mù biāo) goal

After many years of thinking, I came to a conclusion that everyone's meaning of life is actually to find the meaning of life. Every one of us is a unique individual. And every one of us has his own capability to find in his life one particular mission to fulfill.

这么(zhè me) so much
拼命(pīn mìng) to do one's utmost
工作(gōng zuò) job
意义(yì yì) sense

What's the sense of working so hard?

领会(lǐng huì) to grasp
这个(zhè gè) this one
意义(yì yì) sense

I don't understand its significance.

(cóngcóng) from
(mǒu) such-and-such
(zhòng) seed
意义(yì yì) sense
来说(lái shuō) to say
对的(duìde) Yes

You're right in a sense.

(zhè) these
对于(duì yú) regarding
(wǒ) I
来说(lái shuō) to say
(mò) without
任何(rèn hé) any
意义(yì yì) sense

It doesn't make sense to me.

(zhè) these
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
任何(rèn hé) any
意义(yì yì) sense

It makes no sense at all.

他的( tā de)
(huà) talk
对我来说(duì wǒ lái shuō) as I see it
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
任何(rèn hé) any
意义(yì yì) sense

His words convey nothing at all to me.

大家(dà jiā) everyone
听了(tīng le) to listen to
高兴(gāo xìng) happy
觉得(jué de) to feel
这个(zhè gè) this one
婚礼(hūn lǐ) wedding ceremony
(yòu) also
新颖(xīn yǐng) lit. new bud
意义(yì yì) sense

Everyone listened and was very happy, thinking this wedding was both original and meaningful.

(nà nā nā) Na
(duì) for
(wǒ) I
来说(lái shuō) to say
意义(yì yì) sense
重大(zhòng dà) serious

That means a lot to me.

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