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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
zhòng rén
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
jung3 yan4
Short definition many people
Usage frequency Very common
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(wǒ) I
就算(jiù suàn) even if
吃得( chī dé)
再多( zài duō)
也不会(yě bù huì) also cannot
(fà) hair
(pàng) fat
。 ” “
那一( nà yī)
瞬间(shùn jiān) in a flash
成了(chéng le) to be done
世界(shì jiè) world
众人(zhòng rén) many people
(dedì) of
敌人(dí rén) enemy
。 “
"My metabolism is such that no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight." "Just now, this second, you've made enemies of people throughout the world."

他们(tā men) they
不理(bù lǐ) to pay no attention to
众人(zhòng rén) many people
(dedì) of
反对(fǎn duì) to oppose
结了婚( jié le hūn) to get married

Everyone opposed it, but they got married all the same.

他在( tā zài)
众人(zhòng rén) many people
面前(miàn qián) in front of
(bèi) quilt
嘲笑(cháo xiào) mockery

He was laughed at in public.

众人(zhòng rén) many people
纷纷(fēn fēn) diverse
结伴(jié bàn) to go with sb
(tiào) to leap
(wǔ) to dance
(lái) next

Everyone paired off and began dancing.

转念(zhuǎn niàn) to think better of
(jiàn jiàn) to see
日光(rì guāng) beams of sunlight
之下(zhī xià) beneath
(kuài) fast
未必(wèi bì) maybe not
(néng) may
(yíng) to win
力战(lì zhàn) to fight with all one's might
(dedì) of
未必(wèi bì) maybe not
得胜(dé shèng) to achieve victory
智慧(zhì huì) wisdom
(dedì) of
未必(wèi bì) maybe not
(dé děiděi) must
粮食(liáng shi) cereals
(dedì) of
未必(wèi bì) maybe not
(dé děiděi) must
资财(zī cái) assets
灵巧的( líng qiǎo de) deft
未必(wèi bì) maybe not
(dé děiděi) must
喜悦(xǐ yuè) happy
(suǒ) place
临到(lín dào) to befall
众人(zhòng rén) many people
(dedì) of
(hū) at
当时的(dāng shí de) former
机会(jī huì) chance

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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