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言传身教yan2 chuan2 shen1 jiao4 to teach by words and example (idiom)
言教不如身教yan2 jiao4 bu4 ru2 shen1 jiao4 Explaining in words is not as good as teaching by example (idiom). Action speaks louder than words.
言者无罪,闻者足戒yan2 zhe3 wu2 zui4 wen2 zhe3 zu2 jie4 don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom)
言而无信yan2 er2 wu2 xin4 to be unfaithful
言而有信yan2 er2 you3 xin4 as good as one's word
言行若一yan2 xing2 ruo4 yi1 to live up to one's word
言语失常症yan2 yu3 shi1 chang2 zheng4 speech defect
言语缺陷yan2 yu3 que1 xian4 speech defect
言谈举止yan2 tan2 ju3 zhi3 speech and manner
誓言报复 shi4 yan2 bao4 fu4 to vow revenge
语言交流的朋友 yu3 yan2 jiao1 liu2 de5 peng2 you3 language exchange friend
语言实验室yu3 yan2 shi2 yan4 shi4 language laboratory
语言类节目 yu3 yan2 lei4 jie2 mu4 talk show
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