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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%time" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

自拍zi4 pai1 to take a photograph
lv3 repeatedly
打更da3 geng1 to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)
推陈出新tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1 to innovate
昆曲kun1 qu3 Kunming opera
风起云涌feng1 qi3 yun2 yong3 to be stormy
包银bao1 yin2 silvering
散工san4 gong1 san3 gong1 day labor
杂役za2 yi4 odd jobs
私塾si1 shu2 private school (in former times)
蝉联chan2 lian2 to continue in a post
补票bu3 piao4 buy ones ticket after the normal time
拍板pai1 ban3 clapper-board
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