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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%time" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

分时fen1 shi2 time-sharing
及至ji2 zhi4 by the time that
报时bao4 shi2 give the correct time
落脚luo4 jiao3 to lodge
蹉跎cuo1 tuo2 wasted time
乱世luan4 shi4 troubled times
存有cun2 you3 there is
局促ju2 cu4 short (of time)
改天gai3 tian1 some other time
之久zhi1 jiu3 of time
到时候dao4 shi2 hou4 at that time
虚度xu1 du4 to fritter away (one's time)
宝鸡bao3 ji1 Boj prefecture level city in Shnx 陝西
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