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帮助困难群众工作 bang1 zhu4 kun1 nan2 qun2 zhong4 gong1 zuo4 work helping the impoverised masses
广泛合作guang3 fan2 he2 zuo4 extensive cooperation
广泛的合作 guang3 fan2 de5 he2 zuo4 extensive cooperation
应急工作ying1 ji2 gong1 zuo4 emergency work
当作战场 dang1 zuo4 zhan4 chang3 to turn into a battlefield
影视作品ying3 shi4 zuo4 pin3 film and television pieces
影视制作业ying3 shi4 zhi4 zuo4 ye4 film and television production industry
战略协作伙伴zhan4 lve4 xie2 zuo4 huo3 ban4 strategic partnership
战略合作伙伴关系 zhan4 lve4 he2 zuo4 huo3 ban4 guan1 ji4 strategic partner relations
手工制作的 shou3 gong1 zhi4 zuo4 de5 hand-made
执行工作 zhi2 xing2 gong1 zuo4 implementation work
找份工作zhao3 fen1 gong1 zuo4 to search for work
抗美援朝作战kang4 mei3 yuan2 chao2 zuo4 zhan4 Korean War
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