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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase "%zhou1"

周边的 zhou1 bian1 de5 circumjacent
周韧的 zhou1 ren4 de5 amphicribral
国家经济周期局 guo2 jia1 jing1 ji4 zhou1 qi1 ju2 national economic situation
在未来几周内 zai4 wei4 lai2 ji3 zhou1 nei4 within the next few weeks
在本周内结束 zai4 ben3 zhou1 nei4 jie2 shu4 to finish within the week
塔斯马尼亚洲ta3 si1 ma3 ni2 ya4 zhou1 Tasmania
外侧裂周围wai4 ce4 lie4 zhou1 wei2 perisylvian (the part of the brain surrounding the lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure), involved in speech
大山谷州立大学da4 shan1 gu3 zhou1 li4 da4 xue2 Grand Valley State University (Michigan), USA
大理州da4 li3 zhou1 abbr. for 大理白族自治州, Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan
大理白族自治州da4 li3 bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1 Dali Bai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan
大费周章da4 fei4 zhou1 zhang1 to take great pains
太阳黑子周tai4 yang2 hei1 zi3 zhou1 sunspot cycle
学如逆水行舟,不进则退xue2 ru2 ni4 shui3 xing2 zhou1 bu4 jin4 ze2 tui4 Study is like rowing upstream: no advance is to drop back
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