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王母wang2 mu3 queen mother
两码事liang3 ma3 shi4 another kettle of fish
挨次ai1 ci4 in turn
生母sheng1 mu3 birth mother
六亲liu4 qin1 one's kin
勾心斗角gou1 xin1 dou4 jiao3 to compete for a position
四德si4 de2 the four Confucian virtues for women of morality å¾·, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功
异父yi4 fu4 with different father (e.g. of half-brother)
改日gai3 ri4 another day
次第ci4 di4 order
王导wang2 dao3 Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang Dun 王敦, regent of Jin from 325
王敦wang2 dun1 Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of civil official Wang Dao 王導王导, subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324
si1 mutually

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