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回答了记者提问 hui2 da2 le5 ji4 zhe3 ti2 wen4 to answer questions provided by reporters
在其网站发布的公告 zai4 qi2 wang3 zhan4 fa1 bu4 de5 gong1 gao4 in a report published on its site
在报道中 zai4 bao4 dao4 zhong1 in the report
在接受新华社记者电话采访时 zai4 jie1 shou4 xin1 hua2 she4 ji4 zhe3 dian4 hua4 cai3 fang3 shi2 during a telephone interview with Xinhua reporters
在现场告诉记者 zai4 xian4 chang3 gao4 su4 ji4 zhe3 to tell reporters on the scene
在记者招待会上 zai4 ji4 zhe3 zhao1 dai4 hui4 shang4 at a reporter's press conference
对记者表示 dui4 ji4 zhe3 biao3 shi4 to say to reporters
少数派报告 shao3 shu4 pai4 bao4 gao4 Minority Report
尚无人员伤亡的报告 shang4 wu2 ren2 yuan2 shang1 wang2 de5 bao4 gao4 there are still no reports of casualties
市场报告 shi4 chang3 bao4 gao4 market report
当天发布新闻公报说 dang1 tian1 fa1 bu4 xin1 wen2 gong1 bao4 shuo1 to issue a news report on that day saying
报喜不报忧bao4 xi3 bu4 bao4 you1 to hold back unpleasant news
报警服务中心 bao4 jing3 fu2 wu4 zhong1 xin1 police reporting service center

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