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Querying dictionary for English phrase "write" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

中国科学技术普及及创作协会 zhong1 guo2 ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 pu3 ji2 ji2 chuang4 zuo4 xie2 hui4 Chinese Association for Science Writers
主承销商zhu3 cheng2 xiao1 shang1 lead underwriter
亲自撰写 qin1 zi4 zhuan4 xie3 personally to write
儿女英雄传er2 nv3 ying1 xiong2 zhuan4 The Gallant Maid, novel by Manchu-born Qing dynasty writer 文康[Wen2 Kang1]
先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐xian1 tian1 xia4 zhi1 you1 er2 you1 hou4 tian1 xia4 zhi1 le4 er2 le4 Truncated - click through for definition
写清楚xie3 qing1 chu5 to write
写起来xie3 qi3 lai2 to write
冰壶秋月bing1 hu2 qiu1 yue4 flawless person
出书生财 chu1 shu1 sheng1 cai2 to write books and raise money
博客写手bo2 ke4 xie3 shou3 blogger
叶圣陶ye4 sheng4 tao2 Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and editor, known esp. for children's books
奋笔疾书fen4 bi3 ji2 shu1 to write at a tremendous speed
岐路灯qi2 lu4 deng1 Lamp in the Side Street (c. 1777), novel by Qing dynasty writer Li Lyuan 李綠園李绿园[Li3 Lu:4 yuan2]

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