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有说有笑you3 shuo1 you3 xiao4 to jest
不拘小节bu4 ju1 xiao3 jie2 to not bother about trifles (idiom)
活蹦乱跳huo2 beng4 luan4 tiao4 lively
略知一二lve4 zhi1 yi1 er4 a smattering
迂回的 yu1 hui2 de5 devious
防不胜防fang2 bu4 sheng4 fang2 to protect
一愁莫展yi1 chou2 mo4 zhan3 nothing one can do about it
三人成虎san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3 repeated rumor becomes a fact
不大离bu4 da4 li2 not bad
不提也罢bu4 ti2 ye3 ba4 drop it
人肉搜索ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3 see 人肉搜索引擎
做手zuo4 shou3 writer
刚一gang1 yi1 to be just about to

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