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佛山市fo2 shan1 shi4 Foshan prefecture level city in Guangdong
兰州市lan2 zhou1 shi4 Lanzhou prefecture level city and capital of Gansu province 甘肅 in north central China
包头市bao1 tou2 shi4 Baotou prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia
南通市nan2 tong1 shi4 Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu
吉林市ji2 lin2 shi4 Jilin prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
吉达ji2 da2 Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)
呼和浩特市hu1 he2 hao4 te4 shi4 Hohot
奥什ao4 shi2 Osh (city in Kyrgyzstan)
宁波市ning2 bo1 shi4 Ningbo subprovincial city in Zhejiang
宝鸡市bao3 ji1 shi4 Boj prefecture level city in Shnx 陝西
布鲁克林bu4 lu3 ke4 lin2 Brooklyn Bridge
库尔勒ku4 er3 le4 (N) Ku'erle (city in Xinjiang)
抚顺市fu3 shun4 shi4 Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省辽宁省 in northeast China
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