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穆索尔斯基mu4 suo3 er3 si1 ji1 Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881), Russian composer, composer of Pictures at an Exhibition
莫杰斯特mo4 jie2 si1 te4 Modest (name)
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后xu1 xin1 shi3 ren2 jin4 bu4 jiao1 ao4 shi3 ren2 luo4 hou4 Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Zedong)
谦虚为怀 qian1 xu1 wei2 huai2 modest
收敛锋芒shou1 lian3 feng1 mang2 to show some modesty
毫不谦虚 hao2 bu4 qian1 xu1 not in the least modest
虚心好学xu1 xin1 hao4 xue2 modest and studious (idiom)
不谦虚的 bu4 qian1 xu1 de5 immodest
冒失的 mao4 shi1 de5 immodest
虚心使人进步骄傲使人落后 xu1 xin1 shi3 ren2 jin4 bu4 jiao1 ao4 shi3 ren2 luo4 hou4 Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Dzedong 毛澤東毛泽东, noted for his modesty).
半瓶水响叮当ban4 ping2 shui3 xiang3 ding1 dang1 fig. empty vessels make the most noise

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