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创见性chuang4 jian4 xing4 original (idea, discovery etc)
制服呢zhi4 fu2 ni2 tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)
劈里啪啦pi1 li5 pa1 la5 to splutter
半条命ban4 tiao2 ming4 half a life
厚生相hou4 sheng1 xiang4 minister of health (of Japan, UK etc)
反走私fan3 zou3 si1 to oppose smuggling
发音体fa1 yin1 ti3 sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membrane etc)
受支配shou4 zhi1 pei4 subject to (foreign domination, emotions etc)
后半叶hou4 ban4 ye4 latter half (of a decade, century etc)
哀莫大于心死ai1 mo4 da4 yu2 xin1 si3 nothing sadder than a withered heart
唏哩哗啦xi1 li1 hua1 la1 (onom.) clatter (of mahjong tiles etc)
啮齿目nie4 chi3 mu4 order of rodents (rats, squirrels etc)
固有词gu4 you3 ci2 native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Japanese etc)
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