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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%selfless" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

无私wu2 si1 unselfish
忘我 wang4 altruism
舍己she3 ji3 altruism
克己ke4 ji3 discipline
大公无私da4 gong1 wu2 si1 just and fair
铁面tie3 mian4 iron mask (as defensive armor)
铁面无私tie3 mian4 wu2 si1 The Untouchables
舍己为公she3 ji3 wei2 gong1 she3 ji3 wei4 gong1 self-sacrificial
一尘不染yi1 chen2 bu4 ran3 spotless
介之推jie4 zhi1 tui1 Truncated - click through for definition
克己奉公ke4 ji3 feng4 gong1 selfless dedication
公而忘私gong1 er2 wang4 si1 selfless
忘我地wang2 wo3 di5 selflessly

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