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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%rising" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

起义qi3 yi4 to rebel
qi2 weird
wu2 surname Wu
新兴xin1 xing1 rising
风暴feng1 bao4 storm
升降sheng1 jiang4 to raise
yi4 other
善后shan4 hou4 reparations
抑扬yi4 yang2 a cadence
义和团运动yi4 he2 tuan2 yun4 dong4 Boxer Rebellion
上风shang4 feng1 on the up
出没chu1 mo4 to vanish and reappear
黄巢huang2 chao2 Huang Chao (-884), leader of peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang

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