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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%profits" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

利润li4 run4 profits
业绩ye4 ji4 ye4 ji1 sales
暴利bao4 li4 sudden huge profits
上缴shang4 jiao3 to add to
超额利润chao1 e2 li4 run4 superprofit
薄利bo2 li4 small profits
渔利yu2 li4 to fish for profits
微利wei1 li4 small profits
净利润jing4 li4 run4 net profit
平等互利ping2 deng3 hu4 li4 mutual benefit
均沾jun1 zhan1 to share (profits)
一杯羹yi1 bei1 geng1 one's share of the action
拆账chai1 zhang4 to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits

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