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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%perspective" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

观察guan1 cha2 view
前景qian2 jing3 outlook
视点shi4 dian3 perspective
透视tou4 shi4 perspective
透视图tou4 shi4 tu2 claivoyance
人生观ren2 sheng1 guan1 human perspective
改观gai3 guan1 change of appearance
投影面tou2 ying3 mian4 plane of projection (in perspective drawing)
视角shi4 jiao3 shi4 jia3 viewpoint
透视画tou4 shi4 hua4 perspective drawing
价值观jia4 zhi2 guan1 system of values
史观shi3 guan1 historically speaking
广角guang3 jiao3 panorama

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