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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%officer" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

干部gan4 bu4 employees
警察jing3 cha2 police officer
jiao4 xiao4 xiao4 to check
将军jiang1 jun1 General
司令si1 ling4 commanding officer
普京pu3 jing1 Vladimir Putin (1952-), career KGB officer and politician, president of Russian Federation from 2000, prime minister from 2008
军官jun1 guan1 officer (military)
官兵guan1 bing1 officers and men
参谋can1 mou2 advisor
长官zhang3 guan1 commanding officer
将领jiang4 ling3 military officer
大理da4 li3 judicial officer
学员xue2 yuan2 student

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