Querying dictionary for English phrase "%mistakes" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
指正 | zhi3 zheng4 | criticism |
补偏救弊 | bu3 pian1 jiu4 bi4 | to rectify past mistakes |
不咎既往 | bu4 jiu4 ji4 wang3 | let bygones be bygones |
失败是成功之母 | shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3 shi1 bai4 shi4 cheng2 gong1 zhi1 mu3 shi1 | failure is the mother of success |
闭门思过 | bi4 men2 si1 guo4 | shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes |
惩前毖后 | cheng2 qian2 bi4 hou4 | lit. to punish those before to prevent those after (idiom) |
前车之鉴 | qian2 che1 zhi1 jian4 | to learn from mistakes |
弥缝 | mi2 feng2 | to fix |
小惩大诫 | xiao3 cheng2 da4 jie4 | lit. to punish a little to prevent a lot (idiom) |
漏洞百出 | lou4 dong4 bai3 chu1 | to have lots of loopholes |
痛改前非 | tong4 gai3 qian2 fei1 | a reformed character |
死不认错 | si3 bu4 ren4 cuo4 | never to acknowledge mistakes |
揭黑 | jie1 hei1 | whistle-blowing |