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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%listening" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

听说ting1 shuo1 hearsay
闪闪shan3 shan3 sparkling
听力ting1 li4 hearing
试听shi4 ting1 to check by listening
听完ting1 wan2 to finish listening
泪光lei4 guang1 tear light
不依不饶bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2 unforgivable
听力测试 ting1 li4 ce4 shi4 listening test
熠熠yi4 yi4 bright
听厌ting1 yan4 to be tired of listening to
glistening plumage of birds
受听shou4 ting1 nice to hear
清莹qing1 ying2 limpid

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