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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%fundamental" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

基础ji1 chu3 base
基本ji1 ben3 main
根本gen1 ben3 root
质变zhi4 bian4 qualitative change
正色zheng4 se4 grim
基本矛盾ji1 ben3 mao2 dun4 fundamental contradiction
根本性gen1 ben3 xing4 fundamental
基本原则ji1 ben3 yuan2 ze2 raison d'tre
基本功ji1 ben3 gong1 fundamentals
治本zhi4 ben3 to take radical measures
谐波xie2 bo1 harmonic (wave with frequency an integer multiple of the fundamental)
基音ji1 yin1 fundamental tone
谐音xie2 yin1 homonym

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