Querying dictionary for English phrase "%exertion" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
脑力劳动 | nao3 li4 lao2 dong4 | mental labor |
吃不消 | chi1 bu5 xiao1 | to find sth difficult to manage |
不努力 | bu4 nu3 li4 | not diligently |
用力过度 | yong4 li4 guo4 du4 | overexertion |
吃得消 | chi1 de5 xiao1 | to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc) |
劦 | xie2 | combined labor |
集中精力把经济建设搞上去 | ji2 zhong1 jing1 li4 ba3 jing1 ji4 jian4 she4 gao3 shang4 qu4 | to make a complete exertion for economic development |
一场功德 | yi1 chang3 gong1 de2 | an exertion of moral behavior |
力尽神危 | li4 jin4 shen2 wei1 | totally exhausted as result of over-exertion (idiom) |