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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%confusion" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

混乱hun4 luan4 hun2 luan4 chaos
慌乱huang1 luan4 hurried
迷乱mi2 luan4 confusion
手忙脚乱shou3 mang2 jia3 luan4 shou3 mang2 jiao3 luan4 to keep busy
解惑jie3 huo4 to dispel doubts
bin1 helter-skelter
天翻地覆tian1 fan1 di4 fu4 fig. complete confusion
翻天覆地fan1 tian1 fu4 di4 fig. complete confusion
chan4 to mix
七荤八素qi1 hun1 ba1 su4 confused
一哄而散yi1 hong4 er2 san4 yi1 hong1 er2 san4 see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]
眩惑xuan4 huo4 confusion
兵乱bing1 luan4 turmoil of war

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