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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%analects" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

lun2 lun4 view
论语lun2 yu3 The Analects of Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3]
文选wen2 xuan3 a compilation
四书si4 shu1 Four Books, namely: the Great Learning 大學大学, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Analects of Confucius 論語论语, and Mencius 孟子
克己复礼ke4 ji3 fu4 li3 (any number of possible translations)
听其言观其行ting1 qi2 yan2 guan1 qi2 xing2 to judge sb by his actions
十三经shi2 san1 jing1 Truncated - click through for definition
见义勇为jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 acting heroically in a just cause
颜回yan2 hui2 Yan Hui (521-481 BC), disciple of Confucius, also known as Yan Yuan 顏淵颜渊[Yan2 Yuan1]
舍己为人she3 ji3 wei4 ren2 she3 ji3 wei2 ren2 altruism
名正言顺ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4 right and proper
欲罢不能yu4 ba4 bu4 neng2 to wish
任重道远ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3 a heavy load and a long road

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