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章太炎zhang1 tai4 yan2 Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
融会贯通rong2 hui4 guan4 tong1 to master through study
软着陆 ruan3 lu4 soft landing (e.g. of spacecraft)
零花钱ling2 hua1 qian2 allowance
zhi4 plodding
高材生gao1 cai2 sheng1 outstanding student
sha1 shark family, including some rays and skates
丁冬ding1 dong1 (onom.) ding dong
丁汝昌ding1 ru3 chang1 Ding Ruchang (1836-1895), commander of the Qing North China Navy
丁玲ding1 ling2 Truncated - click through for definition
丁磊ding1 lei3 Ding Lei (1971-), founder and CEO of NetEase 網易网易[Wang3 yi4]
七事qi1 shi4 7 up (fizzy drink)
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