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科利奥兰纳斯ke1 li4 ao4 lan2 na4 si1 Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞莎士比亚
积极反应ji1 ji2 fan3 ying4 active response
稳坐钓鱼台wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 a cool head in a crisis
空腹高心kong1 fu4 gao1 xin1 ambitious despite lack of ambition
纤细的 qian4 xi4 de5 finespun
细纺的 xi4 fang3 de5 finespun
终场锣声zhong1 chang3 luo2 sheng1 the final bell (esp. in sports competition)
经济间谍活动 jing1 ji4 jian1 die2 huo2 dong4 economic espionage activity
绕梁三日rao4 liang2 san1 ri4 fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
绝望的境地jue2 wang4 de5 jing4 di4 desperate straits
缓兵之计huan3 bing1 zhi1 ji4 stalling
置之死地而后生zhi4 zhi1 si3 di4 er2 hou4 sheng1 fig. to find a way out of an impasse
老太公lao3 tai4 gong1 aged gentleman (dialect, respectful term)
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