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波西米亚bo1 xi1 mi3 ya4 Bohemia
泰特斯・安德洛尼克斯tai4 te4 si1 an1 de2 luo4 ni2 ke4 si1 Titus Andronicus, 1593 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞莎士比亚
深恶痛绝了shen1 wu4 tong4 jue2 le5 to despise
火烧眉毛huo3 shao1 mei2 mao5 extreme emergency
炎性反应yan2 xing4 fan3 ying4 inflammation response
烟花场yan1 hua1 chang3 brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花女yan1 hua1 nv3 prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花寨yan1 hua1 zhai4 brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花市yan1 hua1 shi4 (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花簿yan1 hua1 bu4 catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花行院yan1 hua1 xing2 yuan4 brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
烟花阵yan1 hua1 zhen4 brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
爬格子pa2 ge2 zi5 (oral) to write (esp. for a living)
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