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新橙皮甙xin1 chen2 pi2 dai4 neohesperidin
无事不登三宝殿wu2 shi4 bu4 deng1 san1 bao3 dian4 having a hidden agenda
昂贵的 ang2 gui4 de5 High
替身演员ti4 shen1 yan3 yuan2 stuntman
橙皮甙chen2 pi2 dai4 hesperidine
橙皮碱chen2 pi2 jian3 hesperidine
橙皮苷酶chen2 pi2 gan1 mei2 hesperidinase
死马当活马医si3 ma3 dang1 huo2 ma3 yi1 lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom)
毫无效果hao2 wu2 xiao4 guo3 to no avail
民主墙min2 zhu3 qiang2 Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement
民变峰起min2 bian4 feng1 qi3 seething discontent (idiom)
汉坦病毒han4 tan3 bing4 du2 Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome
没上没下mei2 shang4 mei2 xia4 lacking in manners
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