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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

揭晓jie1 xiao3 to publish
投稿tou2 gao3 to contribute (writing)
公立gong1 li4 public (e.g. school, hospital)
东德dong1 de2 East Germany (1945-1990)
公法gong1 fa3 public law
封面feng1 mian4 cover page
布拉格bu4 la1 ge2 Prague, capital of Czech Republic
佩林pei4 lin2 Palin (name)
公墓gong1 mu4 cemetary
国父guo2 fu4 Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)
公署gong1 shu3 public office
示众shi4 zhong4 to publicly expose
还乡huan2 xiang1 to return home

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