可亲可敬 | ke3 qin1 ke3 jing4 | inspiring affection and respect |
台面呢 | tai2 mian4 ni2 | baize |
叶圣陶 | ye4 sheng4 tao2 | Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and editor, known esp. for children's books |
合四乙尺工 | he2 si4 yi3 chi3 gong1 | names of the five notes of the Chinese pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la |
名不符实 | ming2 bu4 fu2 shi2 | it doesn't live up to its reputation |
后生可畏 | hou4 sheng1 ke3 wei4 | will be redoubtable in later life (idiom) |
唐宋八大家 | tang2 song4 ba1 da4 jia1 | Truncated - click through for definition |
因您的行为而直接或间接引起的法律?? | yin1 nin2 de5 xing2 wei2 er2 zhi2 jie1 huo4 jian1 jie1 yin3 qi3 de5 fa3 lv4 ze | responsibilities directly or indirectly caused by your behavior |
国务长官 | guo2 wu4 zhang3 guan1 | secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage) |
国家兴亡,匹夫有责 | guo2 jia1 xing1 wang2 pi3 fu1 you3 ze2 | The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society. |
地租收入 | di4 zu1 shou1 ru4 | rent income (esp. from arable land) |
坚苦卓绝 | jian1 ku3 zhuo2 jue2 | conspicuous determination |
城门失火,殃及池鱼 | cheng2 men2 shi1 huo3 yang1 ji2 chi2 yu2 | the bystander will also suffer |