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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%see" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

操你妈cao4 ni3 ma1 see 肏你媽肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]
攀龙附凤pan1 long2 fu4 feng4 see 扳龍附鳳扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]
收官shou1 guan1 endgame
放眼望去fang4 yan3 wang4 qu4 as far as the eye can see
新儒家xin1 ru2 jia1 see 當代新儒家当代新儒家
昏定晨省hun1 ding4 chen2 xing3 seeing to bed in the evening and visiting in the morning (ancient filial duty)
望等 wang4 deng3 to adopt a wait-and-see approach
杨妃yang2 fei1 see 楊貴妃杨贵妃[Yang2 Gui4 fei1]
杯筊bei1 jiao3 see 杯珓[bei1 jiao4]
杳杳yao3 yao3 deep and somber
枇杷膏pi2 pa2 gao1 see 京都念慈菴枇杷膏[Jing1 du1 nian4 ci2 an1 pi2 pa2 gao1]
柞栎zuo4 li4 see also 槲樹槲树[hu2 shu4]
校草xiao4 cao3 the most handsome boy in the school (see also 校花)
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