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互相推诿hu4 xiang1 tui1 wei3 each blaming the other
五卅运动wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4 anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involving general strike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc
亨利五世heng1 li4 wu3 shi4 Henry V (1387-1422), English warrior king, victor of Agincourt
令人佩服ling4 ren2 pei4 fu2 to cause people to respect
以礼相待yi3 li3 xiang1 dai4 to treat sb with due respect (idiom)
仰屋兴叹yang3 wu1 xing1 tan4 to find no way out
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 a cool head in a crisis
保护伞bao3 hu4 san3 protective umbrella
保角对应bao3 jiao3 dui4 ying4 a conformal map
保长对应bao3 chang2 dui4 ying4 an isometry
值得敬佩zhi2 de5 jing4 pei4 estimable
做事认真负责 zuo4 shi4 ren4 zhen1 fu4 ze2 to work responsibly and sincerely
做活儿zuo4 huo2 er5 erhua variant of 做活[zuo4 huo2]
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